Friday, January 30, 2009


This, obviously, is my first post to my new blog. I also have a Live Journal account, but I'm falling rather "out of love" with the new owners. That's why I'm starting this one.

A little about me: I'm a 51year old Canadian guy, currently freshly unemployed, (the company is closing), and I'm furry. My "fursonna" is a Canadian river otter, mainly because otters are fun and I want more fun in my life. I write stories and they're very, very good. You can find most of them at my Fur Affinity account.
(Warning: some stories Not Safe for Work!)

I expect I'll probably start by cross-posting one or two of my old LJ posts, then start posting here as instead as I get ideas for things I want to post.

Until then, Ciao fur Now,
-- Dee